Justin Wright
I share lessons learned from competing on elite teams to
optimize the life and careers of my clients.Join hundreds reading my newsletter each week, and get a FREE copy of my goal-setting templates:

Jagmeet Singh
“I reached out to Justin because I was having trouble navigating a difficult transition in my life. At the time, I felt uneasy, lacking the tools or energy needed to rise to the occasion. My conversations with Justin helped me pinpoint issues, both subconscious and practical, that were preventing me from giving my best. We identified the problems and created a plan for success. Justin delivers a style of performance coaching that leads with compassion while remaining direct and action-oriented. If you'd like to work with someone that can help you give your best everyday, I can't recommend Justin enough."

Jana Oosterhuis
"I’ve had the privilege of working with Justin Wright since 2015. Our bond started at the CrossFit gym, but has spanned across many interests and life events over the years. I started training with Justin in the summer of 2015 after my daughter was born and I needed the support of a fitness expert. We agreed to structure a routine and schedule that allowed me to bring my best self to the gym.I was working “London-hours ie: 4am-2pm” from Boston at a high intensity job and had a 6 month old - sleep was in limited supply. Justin was adept at reading my energy (or lack there of), while honoring my stated fitness goals. Most days we pushed and I found myself in the wonderful mental and physical freedom of the “pain cave”, other days we acknowledged my lifestyle limitations and had to pull back.We started to develop mutual respect and a clear partnership. Justin and I discussed so much during our training: optimal nutrition, mental and physical toughness, meditation, working and non-working relationships, realistic life goals, and the interconnection of our bodies and minds.I have learned much from these sessions and am grateful to have had the fitness upside, along with the perspective of an individual who appreciates the complexities of life and the results of hard work and sacrifice in all things he tackles.When my husband Chris died at 35, Justin was one of the few people who understood that my physical capabilities were dramatically impacted by my emotional well being. Some days I could barely stretch. We worked to build my body and mind back to a new place - one that encompassed the stress of a tired, single mother, grieving the loss of her life. With each rep I started to rebuild and reconnect.I needed to eat, sleep, and train in a whole different way. Justin helped me evaluate my physical well-being not just by how much weight I could push, but also through analyzing my bloodwork, sleep, and nutrition. The idea of strong body, strong mind (and heart in my case), took on a new meaning.The overarching impact of our relationship is now very clear. In 2015 I thought I was coming into the gym to complete the obligatory postpartum squats and burpees. What I actually found was a place and a person that connected all aspects of who I was and helped to make me holistically better."